1. Navigate to one.dat.com and select Search Loads.
  2. Complete the search form:
    • Enter your origin and destination.
    • For Equipment Type, select "Power Only (PO)".
    • For Load Type, select "Full", "Partial" or both.
    • Length & Weight:  You do not need to input length or weight.
  3. Date Range: Select the date range during which you're available to pick up a load.
  4. Click the search button to run your search.

Types of Power Only loads

There are different types of power only loads:

  • Pick and Drop: A loaded trailer that you simply pick up and drop off.
  • Towaway: An empty trailer that you cannot load.
  • Load Out: An empty trailer that you typically have use of for a period of time, and you can book other loads with it.

Sorting through the search results:

When viewing the search results, a couple of things will help you identify the types of loads:

  1. Weight: Loads listed at 10,000 pounds are likely a load out or a towaway, as this is the weight of an empty trailer. If a full weight is listed (e.g. 40,000 pounds), it is most likely a pick and drop.
  2. Comments Section: Brokers typically note whether it is a load out or towaway in the comments section of the posting. Click on the load posting to expand it and view that information.

Note: Always call the broker to understand complete details for any load.