All city names in DAT One must fit within 14 characters. While DAT One is often very flexible with accepting names, it can help to understand our abbreviation rules in order to help find the correct city name more easily.

Certain starter words are abbreviated consistently, regardless of character length. These abbreviations are as follows:

  If the first word is...

  DAT prefers...

 North, South, East, West N,S,E,W
 Fort Ft
 Gr Grand
 Mount Mt
 Mountain Mtn
 Saint, Sainte, Ste St

There are many other abbreviations that are applied only to city names when exceeding the 14-character limit. These abbreviations are as follows:

  Common Word      Abbreviation    
 Beach Bch
 Bluffs Blfs
 Center, Centre Ctr
 City Cy
 Commerce Cmmrce
 Creek Ck
 Falls Fls
 Gateway Gtwy
 Harbor Hbr
 Heights Hts
 Industry Indus
 Isle, Island Is
 Junction Jct
 Little Ltl
 Mills Mls
 Mount Mt
 Mountain Mtn
 Plains Plns
 Point, Pointe Pt
 River Rvr
 Spring, Springs Spg, Spgs
 Station Sta
 Terrace Trc
 Township Twp
 Valley Vly
 Village Vlg
 Ville Vl

Some city names have to be abbreviated dramatically to fit within the 14-character limit (e.g. Ltl Rvr Acdmy, TX). If you have difficulty finding the city name that DAT One or Power will accept, try entering the ZIP code instead.

Please note that we use the USPS's Zip Code Lookup as the source of truth for zip codes and associated city names.