What are service accounts and RESTful API?

If your TMS provider utilizes RESTful API you will need a ‘service account’ setup. A service account is an account that is given special permissions to authenticate for our RESTful API. In general, service accounts will have the same properties as a general email logins, however there are a few notable properties that need to be specified.

  1. Like Email logins, service accounts can be blocked by too many failed login attempts. The process to unblock them is the same, however generally it is recommended that if the business does not receive an email to unblock, that DAT unblocks the email to prevent an account from breaking their integration.
  2. Service account emails can reset their passwords at any time through a standard password reset email
  3. Service accounts can be used to authenticate in multiple TMS's without invalidating any session tokens.
  4. Service accounts do not and should not have any services assigned to them.

What are the benefits of service accounts?

  • Individual users will no longer need separate passwords for the integration
  • Individual users can now use their email for the user level authentication (explained under ‘Authentication process’ section)
  • Allows multiple login sessions at a time

How to setup service accounts?

To set this up, we'll need an email that is not associated with an existing user. Most companies will do this by either generating a new email (ex: datserviceaccount@abclogistics.com).

Once you provide us with a unique email to use for the service account, we will set this up. Once this has been setup, you will be receiving a verification email and password setup email to the service account email. You will need to complete these, then enter the service account email and password into your TMS interface. If you’re unsure on where these should be entered, please contact your TMS provider for assistance.

Note: Service accounts do not and should not have any services assigned to them.


How to reset the password for a service account?

Service account emails can reset their passwords at any time through a standard password reset email. These can be sent from any DAT login page by clicking the ‘Reset Password’ option and entering your service account email.


How to unblock service accounts?

Like email logins, service accounts can be blocked by too many failed login attempts. The process to unblock them is the same, you should receive an email to the service account email notifying you that it has been blocked and it will contain a link to click to unblock it. However, if you happen to not receive an email to unblock, you can unblock it by resetting the password on the service account or you can contact DAT to request to unblock it.


What is the Authentication process (login)?

There are two levels of authentication that are required with RESTful API. The general workflow is that in your TMS interface you would enter in your service account email and password to authenticate the organization. Then you would enter in your regular login email to authenticate the user that will be making the requests.


Organization-level authentication

Once you enter in your service account email and password into your TMS, this will authenticate your organization.


User-level authentication

Once you have authenticated your organization, there should be a separate field in your TMS to enter in a specific user’s email login. This will be the user that will be making the requests. Users will need to already have the necessary DAT services assigned to them for the integration to work. Please refer to the user requirements below.


What are the subscription requirements?

  • Load Board - Any level of load board subscription allows a RESTful API integration.
  • RateView - RateView Combo Pro or RateView Combo Premium are required for a RESTful API integration.
  • CarrierWatch - Unfortunately we don't currently support RESTful API integrations for CarrierWatch.
  • OnBoard - Unfortunately we don't currently support RESTful API integrations for OnBoard.

What are the user requirements?

All users being used for the user-level authentication will need a Connexion seat assigned and any other service seat they plan to use.

  • User wanting to post loads/trucks or search for loads/trucks will need a Connexion seat and a load board seat.
  • User wanting to request rates will need a Connexion seat and a RateView seat
  • User wanting to post, search, and request rates will need a Connextion seat, load board seat, and RateView seat.

Note: The ability to post, search, or request rates will also depend on what your TMS provider has been certified for. Please ask your TMS provider what they are certified for with us.


Other commonly used terms for service accounts

Service account - organization username, organization ID, organization email